Mockito Cookbook
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Chapter 1. Getting Started with Mockito
Adding Mockito to a project's classpath
Getting started with Mockito for JUnit
Getting started with Mockito for TestNG
Mockito best practices – test behavior not implementation
Adding Mockito hints to exception messages (JUnit) (Experimental)
Adding additional Mockito warnings to your tests (JUnit) (Experimental)
Chapter 2. Creating Mocks
Creating mocks in code
Creating mocks with annotations
Creating mocks with a different default answer
Creating mocks with different default answers with annotations
Creating mocks with custom configuration
Creating mocks of final classes with PowerMock
Creating mocks of enums with PowerMock
Chapter 3. Creating Spies and Partial Mocks
Creating spies in code
Creating spies with custom configuration
Creating spies using annotations
Creating partial mocks
Creating partial mocks of final classes with delegatesTo()
Creating spies of final classes with PowerMock
Chapter 4. Stubbing Behavior of Mocks
Using argument matchers for stubbing
Stubbing methods that return values
Stubbing methods so that they throw exceptions
Stubbing methods so that they return custom answers
Stubbing methods so that they call real methods
Stubbing void methods
Stubbing void methods so that they throw exceptions
Stubbing void methods so that they return custom answers
Stubbing void methods so that they call real methods
Stubbing final methods with PowerMock
Stubbing static methods with PowerMock
Stubbing object instantiation using PowerMock
Chapter 5. Stubbing Behavior of Spies
Stubbing methods that return values
Stubbing methods so that they throw exceptions
Stubbing methods so that they return custom answers
Stubbing void methods
Stubbing void methods so that they throw exceptions
Stubbing void methods so that they return custom answers
Stubbing final methods with PowerMock
Chapter 6. Verifying Test Doubles
Verifying the method invocation count with times()
Verifying the method invocation count with atLeast()
Verifying the method invocation count with atMost()
Verifying that interactions never happened
Verifying that interactions stopped happening
Verifying the order of interactions
Verifying interactions and ignoring stubbed methods
Verifying the method invocation within the specified time
Chapter 7. Verifying Behavior with Object Matchers
Using Hamcrest matchers for assertions
Creating custom Hamcrest matchers
Using Hamcrest matchers for stubbing and verification
Using AssertJ for assertions
Creating custom AssertJ assertions
Capturing and asserting the argument
Chapter 8. Refactoring with Mockito
Removing the problems with instance creation
Refactoring classes that do too much
Refactoring the classes that use the class casts
Refactoring the classes that use static methods
Refactoring the tests that use too many mocks
Chapter 9. Integration Testing with Mockito and DI Frameworks
Injecting test doubles instead of beans using Spring's code configuration
Injecting test doubles instead of beans using Spring's XML configuration
Injecting test doubles instead of beans using Springockito
Injecting test doubles instead of beans with Guice
Injecting test doubles instead of beans with Guice using Jukito
Chapter 10. Mocking Libraries Comparison
Mockito versus EasyMock
Mockito versus JMockit
Mockito versus JMock
Mockito versus Spock
更新时间:2021-07-16 11:35:15