第3天 生活、饮食健康和运动娱乐类话题
第1小时 知识储备与积累




2.Part 1高分范文
● 饮食健康类 - Food & Cooking
Question 1: What sorts of food do you like eating most?
Answer 1: I prefer homemade food and I'm a fan of my mother's recipe. She is an amazing cook and I always enjoy her cooking. Apart from that, I like to go to the Japanese restaurant, eating the sushi, and salmon sashimi with a bottle of Japanese wine, which tastes a god-sent gift.
Question 2: In general, do you prefer eating out or eating at home?
Answer 2: I like to eat at home. Homemade food has better food value and offers a wide range of choices. It is more hygienic and less expensive. Besides, eating at home is also a good chance for gathering since we are often so busy that we couldn't have enough time to stay with family members.
Question 3: Do you have a healthy diet?
Answer 3: No, not at all. I like all of the things that are unhealthy like sweets, fatty foods and junk food. I don't really have a lot of self-discipline when it comes to my diet, which is probably why I'm a little overweight.
● 生活类 - Weekends
Question 1: How do you usually spend your weekends?
Answer 1: I spend my weekends like everybody else does. On Saturdays, I get up early at around 6 a.m. Usually I spend the whole morning jogging in the park or working out at the gym. After a quick lunch, it's time to do household chores. I would sweep the floor, air the rooms and do the laundry. On Sundays my friends and I often get together at my place watching videos or just kicking back.
Question 2: Which is your favourite part of the weekend?
Answer 2: My favourite part of a weekend is definitely on Saturday mornings when I don't have to work and no one from work would call me so I have the whole morning to myself to do whatever I want. For the rest of the weekend I either have to do the housework or socialise. I barely have a minute for myself, so Saturday mornings are the only time when I can enjoy the peace of being alone.
Question 3: Do you think your weekends are long enough?
Answer 3: Yes. I think my weekends are long enough. I have a nine-to-five job from Monday to Friday and I'm off on weekends. My workloads are heavy, so if I take a longer weekend, say, a weekend of three days, I may not have enough time to complete my work.
● 运动类 - Ball Games
Question 1: Do you play any sports?
Answer 1: Not as much as I should. I'm really busy with my job these days, so I don't get the chance to do as many sports as I would like. I try to play basketball on Saturdays for a couple of hours and I occasionally play golf.
Question 2: Have you played basketball for long?
Answer 2: Yes, I have been playing basketball since I was about 10 years old. My obsession with the sport can be traced back to the time when I played a computer game about basketball at the age of 10. From then on, I played basketball every day until I went to university and then other things took higher priority, but I do regret not maintaining it because it was something I once loved doing.
● 娱乐类 - Movies
Question 1: Do you like watching movies?
Answer 1: Yeah, I do like watching films, predominantly adventure, horror, and fiction movies. A movie is an option to escape from the boring reality. Also there are movies based on books which are great if I don't want to spend a lot of time but still want to know about the story.
Question 2: Do you have a particular favourite movie?
Answer 2: Umm! I like watching classic movies with engaging story plot and of course superb directions. If I have to pick the movie that I enjoyed most, I would go for Casablanca, which was a romantic movie and probably one of the best movies of all time.
kill time =
rub off the stress =
have a stroll =
work overtime =
exercise at the gym =
hardly =
seldom =
Question 1: How important do you think it is to have free time at the weekends?
Question 2: What is the most popular sport in your country?
Question 3: How do people in your country stay fit?
Question 4: Is it important for children to play sports?