第1天 人物类话题
第1小时 知识储备与积累


2.Part 1高分范文
● 人物类 - Friends
Question 1: Are your friends mostly of your age or different ages?
Answer 1: Most of my friends are of my own age. Basically, my close friends are my college mates and that's why naturally they are of roughly the same age as I am. Some of my best off-campus friends and I go way back. We grew up in the same neighbourhood, going to the same class in primary and secondary school, hanging out together all the time and sharing similar interests.
Question 2: Do you usually see your friends during the week or at weekends?
Answer 2: It depends. I see my college friends 7 days a week coz we have classes together. Sometimes I see them at weekends if we plan to enjoy our day off together. For older friends who have already graduated and successfully landed a job, I can only manage to meet them on their days off.
Question 3: The last time you saw your friends, what did you do together?
Answer 3: Last weekend, I went to watch a recent Hollywood movie in a nearby cineplex with my friends. And then we had a lunch in a fast food chain restaurant, talking about the recent final game of European League championship. We truly had a great time together.
Question 4: In what ways are your friends important to you?
Answer 4: My friends are very significant to me in many ways. Every time we are either having a serious conversation or just simply chitchatting, exchanging our ideas, but I never feel bored or stuck in awkward silence . They are indeed very good companions as they often raise their helping hands at the time when I am in need. They are undoubtedly the most valuable assets in my life.
● 人物类 - Family
Question 1: Tell me about your family.
Answer 1: Well, like almost everybody else of my age, I come from a small family with my dad and mum. My father is the economic backbone of our family and works hard as a businessman to win the bread for our family. He is a great mentor for me, always providing me with good advice whenever I am in trouble. As for my mum, she is a full-time housewife, whose main duties include preparing meals for us and doing the housework. We often gather together to have a happy talk, discussing about our work, life and future plans. My parents always make me feel relaxed and comfortable and I count myself the luckiest person in the world for having been born and raised by my beloved parents.
Question 2: How much time do you manage to spend with members of your family?
Answer 2: I live with my family and I spend most of my nights and weekends at home with my family members. I am also very close to my younger sister and my brother. We often hang out together to watch movies, go shopping and play computer games. On average, I spend 5-7 hours with my family members in a typical day.
Question 3: Do you get on well with your family? Why?
Answer 3: Yes, obviously I get on very well with my family members. They are the most precious people in my life. They care for me a lot and help me on my difficult times. I can do whatever I like and choose whatever I want to do because of my family members' love, care and affection. I have a strong emotional bond and friendly relationship with them. They share their thoughts and everyday experience with me. They are always supportive of my every decision and it is such mutual understanding that contributes to our happy family.
● 人物类 - Teenager
Question 1: Do you often spend time with teenagers?
Answer 1: As a matter of fact, I hardly spend time with teenagers in my daily life. Whenever I am available, I would like to stay together with people who are much older than me. Because by communicating and interacting with such groups of people, I can learn practical life experience as well as useful communication skills which can put me in a favourable position in my future life after I graduate from my school.
Question 2: What is popular among teenagers?
Answer 2: Mobile games are trending among teenagers and seem to be gaining growing popularity ever. While riding subway or shopping around in the plaza, it is not uncommon to see teenagers absorbed in graphic online games on their smartphone screens and tapping their screens with fingers at an amazing speed. Online gaming has almost developed into a mainstream culture for the next generation.
good-looking =
adorable =
considerate =
important =
fat =
thin =
apparently =
in fact =
like…more =
Question 1: What sorts of things do you like to do together?
Question 2: Do you think it's important to have a good relationship with one's neighbours?
Question 3: Do you have any close friends?
Question 4: Do you prefer spending time with your family to your friends?