5 On Thinking On Thinking:此文出自作者的散文集A Conversation with a Cat (1931)中的第一篇,此标题的玩笑意味十分明显。

Hilaire Belloc

Canon Dimnet of Cambrai Canon Dimnet of Cambrai:20世纪前期法国著名作家,Cambrai为作者的出生地(城镇名)。 lately wrote a little book upon the Art of Thinking. He wrote it,I believe,in the English tongue;but whether it be a translation or from his own pen (which is the more likely,for he writes English like an Englishman),it is a book without the mark of a foreign origin;and perhaps he chose English for his medium on the consideration that thinking had often been condemned during the last century and even lately in the English tongue as a solvent solvent:溶剂;溶媒。这里特指有削弱甚至破坏作用的事物。 of judgment and instinctive power. I desire to take the title of this book for a text text:论据;议题;讨论的根由。,and to affirm that the business of Thinking has been somewhat under-estimated under-estimated:至于“被谁(by whom)?”,则大可无需深究。 of late:I desire to proclaim its modest value:to urge its use (in moderation,of course),and to say,even though I must say it timidly 从modest value至in moderation,of course再至say it timidly当然都是在故意幽默,仿佛做点好事乃是某种亵渎冒犯行径,必须事先讨饶告罪求情乞谅似的。“足欲行而趑趄,口欲言而嗫嚅”。当然这一番唯谨唯慎诚惶诚恐之状全都是装的。,a word in its favour. Come,let us take up the unpopular side,play the devil's advocate play the devil's advocate:为魔鬼辩护;充当魔鬼的辩护士角色。这个词语的通常意思本指站在魔鬼一边来诬陷好人好事(因魔鬼天然地会把恶人恶行说成好人好事或者相反)。本文作者这里则反其意而用之,意为替这个普遍受贬的思想在这里说几句好话。,and write a cautious brief in defence of this half-forgotten exercise,Thinking.

It was said some months ago by a witty Englishman a witty Englishman:指的谁?本文作者这里既已将其真名隐去,译者当然就更加无力查清其为谁何。,in praise of his own people,on returning from some foreign conference or other,that there was written up in flaming red letters upon the cliffs of Dover in flaming red letters upon the cliffs of Dover:首先关于发光的红字,这当然绝非事实,而只是出于上述那个聪明英国人的主观想象。其次关于cliffs of Dover,指英国东南部有名港市Dover的海滩边的悬崖峭壁。,for all returning men to read for all returning men to read:凡从英法海峡经由Dover登陆英国的归国英人都将能看到那里悬崖峭壁上的上述“文字”。

Thou shalt not Think Thou shalt not Think:完全仿《圣经》上“十诫”的语言。另外thou shalt为古旧语,等于you shall,属命令语。. Thought is the foe of action. Therefore by Thinking men and nations perish.

It is a precept which has been repeated in various forms a thousand times. I doubt its soundness. It still seems to me that Thinking must have some good about it,and that those who decry Thinking are misled by an abuse of terms:an ambiguity. For the word “thinking” is used of musing,as when we say of a man run over by a motor car that he was plunged in thought:and it is used of doubt,as when one says:“I don't think the earth is flat:I know it”;it is used of vain illusion,as of Algernon Algernon:指英国19世纪后期诗人Swinburne,其全名为Charles Algernon Swinburne。,who thought himself the hell of a fellow the hell of a fellow:俚语,意为a very excellent fellow。这里乃系作者对这位名诗人的讽刺或贬抑。Swinburne平日自恃其文才出众,诗作极夥,颇曾有过老子天下第一的流露,因而出现满招损的情形。,but it should more properly be used of discernment,so that by thought we see clearly the consequence of things,and by intelligence decide affairs and reach success in conclusions 从so that by thought起至in conclusions:这个句子颇能代表作者的简练文风。.

I have noticed not infrequently upon my rambles through this world that men (my brethren and similars)would order animals about:great strong animals,such as horned beeves,fierce dogs,and nervous horses:and that they were able so to do (it seemed to me)was due to their superior power of Thought. Observing this result,I have ever felt a certain anxiety lest,if we give up Thinking altogether,we may not become the prey of other nations more exercised in the practice.

Then,also,I have noticed that fame (which we all desire)is not unattached to this art of Thinking. Of close and clear thinkers there occur to me — Euclid,Descartes,Aquinas,even Cicero,and no one can say that they will be easily forgotten. Newton,by the way,should be added,and Locke,and John Stuart Mill 自Euclid起至后的John Stuart Mill:这里一共七位,后三位皆为英人。按七人皆属鼎鼎大名的世界第一流人物,故无需一一注出。其中仅Aquinas可能不大为我们中国读者熟悉,这里需提一下。Aquinas在基督教中通称St. Thomas Aquinas (1227—1274),意大利人,素有“圣人”之目,当日声誉几不亚于亚里士多德。平生著述极多,思力宏伟精密,为中世纪繁琐哲学成就的杰出代表。但这里他被抬出作为人类思想能力的代表人(之一),可能主要因为作者Belloc系天主教徒。;three prominent men who seemed to have rebelled against the patriotic order emblazoned on the cliffs of Dover.

But,talking of patriotism,there have been other rebels. For instance,not only was political economy founded here in England,where we are told no man should be allowed to Think,but the inferences and deductions of geology as well;for beginnings of Geology are English. Then there is the whole science and practice of the Law,wherein I admit men will continually protest they prefer good honest sense to thinking,but wherein also I notice there is quite a lot of Thinking done,sometimes a little too finely.

Then there are all those of the delicate profession,if I may use that term. I mean,the careers in which men advance by a certain light dexterity in appreciation of others and by the laying of subtle plans. I mean,the careers至此句末:作者用语简练之另一例。 Such are promoters,share-shufflers,big business men,money dealers,sharpers,those of the three-card trick and the great army of snatchers and lifters. Which of them would survive if he did not think — rapidly,clearly,and continually?

When,therefore,I hear the phrase that what is of importance to mortals is character,not intellect,I am so moved that I fall into verse — a thing habitual with versifiers when their emotions are stirred — and on this very matter have I composed a short epic,the first lines of which I will now humbly put before you,reminding you,however,that they are copyright,and reserving the sequel that I may sell it again later:

I knew a man who used to say

(Not once,but twenty times a day)

That in the turmoil and the strife —

His very phrase — of human life,

The thing of ultimate effect

Was character not intellect.

He therefore was at constant pains

To atrophy his puny brains,

And registered success in this

Beyond the dreams of avarice.

The epic goes on to describe his career,how,when he had become completely imbecile,he was selected for the highest posts in the land,and died — for even such men must die at last — saturated with glory,rolling in money and a model for all of us and a model for all of us:这首打油诗不免令人想起苏东坡的那首《咏子诗》,诗云:人家养子望聪明,我被聪明误一生,但愿该儿愚且鲁,糊糊涂涂到公卿。.

But this poem,I must warn you,was by way of satire,or something the opposite of what it plainly states. It was malicious. It was not to be taken literally,for within my own great soul I knew well that some measure of intellect was essential,even to public life,let alone to the running of a whelk stall let alone to the running of a whelk stall:请注意这里的讽刺。这个短语前面的even to public life中的“even”已经是讽刺含意十足;这里再加上“let alone (to)...”更是贬抑到了极点,仿佛居官为政所需的头脑尚不及摆个小摊!.

I fancy that those who decry the ancient and honorable practice of Thinking are mixing it up with two things very different,which are called Deduction from Insufficient Premises,and Deduction from False Premises:or perhaps they are mixing it up with Argufying Argufying:即arguing,纯属幽默用法。 — which of all the detestable habits of man is perhaps the most intolerable — unless,indeed,it be set to work upon matters wholly undiscoverable matters wholly undiscoverable:这里译者的理解为特指下列一些可能永世都难以解决的问题,比如先有鸡还是先有蛋?先有男人还是先有女人?先有老人还是先有孩子?等等。,wherein it is a very tolerable pastime. Indeed,you may note that men in their cups men in their cups:drunken men;drunkards. generally talk metaphysics. And this,let me tell you,is not particularly true of the over-educated,but of all men whatsoever. It was but the other day I heard two men,with no pretence to any excess of culture,shouting at each other in the bar of an inn close against the shores of the Southern Sea,and one of them kept on saying,“How d'you know that what you saw was Bill's ketch,anyhow?” And the other kept on replying,“Why,it stands to reason that if I saw the thing it was there.” Wherein was developed all the quarrel of Kant and the sceptics with the peripatetics peripatetics:指古希腊大哲学家亚里士多德的门徒们。汉译通常作“逍遥派”,因为当年这位大哲人在其lyceum(学园)内讲学时常采取散步方式,而这时其弟子们每不离其左右,故这些人遂被称为逍遥派。,and of sophists with common sense from the beginning of time;also the dear little fuss about phenomena fuss about phenomena:appearances,亦即关于reality与appearance之争论。.

And as for Thinking interfering with action,that is using one word in two senses. It is not Thinking that interferes with action;Thinking decides action. It is hesitation in Thought that interferes with action,it is paralysis in Thought that interferes with action,like that weariness of mind wherein a tune goes on buzzing in one's head. The man who keeps on saying,“Shall I?Shall I not?” is not Thinking,he is cutting the nerve of Thought. And even if Thinking have no practical value (though I stoutly maintain it has),at the least it is an absorbing exercise,bridging over those empty moments when we have neither scandal to talk against our neighbors,nor money to filch from them,nor vapid books to read.

Therefore do I think that I shall continue to think;and whether you think I think right in so thinking I care not,for I think so.
