6 On Conversations in Trains

Hilaire Belloc

I might have added in this list I have just made of the advantages of railways,that railways let one mix with one's fellow-men and hear their continual conversation. Now,if you will think of it,railways are the only institutions that give us that advantage. In other places we avoid all save those who resemble us,and many men become in middle-age like cabinet ministers,quite ignorant of their fellow-citizens. But in trains,if one travels much,one hears every kind of man talking to every other,and one perceives all England.

It is on this account that I have always been at pains to note what I heard in this way,especially the least expected,most startling,and therefore most revealing dialogues,and as soon as I could to write them down,for in this way one can grow to know men.

Thus I have somewhere preserved a hot discussion among some miners in Derbyshire (voters,good people,voters,remember) (voters,good people,voters ,remember):行文至此,突然涉入闲文,故意幽默一下,借以自嘲,也兼用以嘲人。所以这么来说主要是因为本文作者曾两度做过M. P. (国会议员),而身为M. P.,这些选民矿工可是不能对之缺了礼貌或不予重视的,因而不仅对之加以恭维,而且还再提醒(自己?)一句——voters,remember。办事说话不可一刻忘记自己的政治利益呀! whether the United States were bound to us as a colony “like Egypt” “like Egypt”:显然矿工们并不晓得美国自1776年早已独立;至于埃及,1922年时也已独立。. And I once heard also a debate as to whether the word were Horǐzon or Horīzon;this ended in a fight,and the Horǐzon man pushed the Horīzon man out at Skipton,and wouldn't let him get into the carriage again. 关于Horǐzon or Horīzon一段:这段有关发音的纠纷不免令人想起我们过去的一则笑话:以前有两个人因为太行山一词的读音发生争执,即应当念taihangshan还是daxingshan,诉之于一塾师,并事先约定,输者须赔银五两。塾师一口判定——daxingshan!主张daxingshan者高高兴兴携银而去。输者向塾师诉苦道,明明应是Taihangshan,为何先生反判我为输,致令那“行子”(读hángzi——〈方〉称不喜欢的人或东西——译者)发此邪财?塾师答曰:横竖你买他个一辈子daxingshan,又有何不值?

Then,again,I once heard two frightfully rich men near Birmingham arguing why England was the richest and the Happiest Country in the world. Neither of these men was a gentleman Neither of these men was a gentleman:可见作者著此文时(20世纪20年代),gentleman的观念在一般人的心目中还很牢固。这里的gentleman条件当然不再包括有较高进项这一项——二人均系富人,而可能主要指,从风度气派言谈举止乃至由此而显现出的知识教养等,似均不太入流,故有此语。,but they argued politely though firmly,for they differed profoundly differed profoundly:profoundly这一有分量的词的使用这里显有幽默意味,大有不可开交,不共戴天的神气。. One of them,who was almost too rich to walk,said it was because we minded our own affairs,and respected property and were law-abiding. This (he said)was the cause of our prosperity and of the futile envy with which foreigners regarded the homes of our working men. Not so the other:he thought that it was the Plain English sense of Duty that did the trick did the trick:do the trick,俚语,意为accomplish one's purpose。;he showed how this was ingrained in us and appeared in our Schoolboys and our Police:he contrasted it with Ireland,and he asked what else had made our Criminal Trials the model of the world?All this also I wrote down.

Then also once on a long ride (yes,“ride”. Why not?) on a long ride (yes,“ride”. Why not?):这里当然也是幽默语。明明只是在坐着,(尽管是坐在火车里)却硬要说是在“奔驰”,这本身当然也就有点滑稽,但这里的幽默还不全在此,而更主要在,这话是对“这就是……,为什么不?”这一常被过多滥用了的话语(陈词滥调)的一种谑仿。再有,这又是通过闲文(因正文中并无一丝可资幽默的地方)去发展幽默的一例(参见上面voters,good people ...一语)。 through Lincolnshire I heard two men of the smaller commercial or salaried kind at issue. The first,who had a rather peevish face,was looking gloomily out of the window and was saying,“Denmark has it Denmark has it,以及以若干个has it:这个“it”指的什么?读下去将自明。:Greece has it — why shouldn't we have it?Eh?America has it and so has Germany — why shouldn't we have it?”Then,after a pause,he added,“Even France has it — why haven't we got it?” He spoke as though He spoke as though ...:这里的as though以及下面的as though引入了两个比喻,属于纯主观和想象性的东西,兼有一定的幽默意味,而这个也正是文学的魅力所在;离开了它文学也就失去了它的趣味。 he wouldn't stand it much longer,and as though France were the last straw.

The other man was excitable and had an enormous newspaper in his hand,and he answered in a high voice,“'Cause we're too sensible,that's why!'Cause we know what we're about we do.”

The other man said,“Ho!Do we?”

The second man answered,“Yes;we do. What made England?”

“Gord,” “Gord”:显然在说God时中间加入了一个“r”,但译文对此无办法,只能译成“上—上—帝嘛”。 said the first man.

This brought the second man up all standing and nearly carried away his fore-bob-stay fore-bob-stay:亦作bob-stay,航行用语,意为船的前支索,或作倾斜桅支索。按词典的解释是,a rope or chain for tying down a bow-sprit (第一斜桅;牙樯)to keep the ship from bobbing (以防船只上下跳动)。. He answered slowly:

“Well ... yes ... in a manner of speaking. But what I meant to say was like this,that what made England was Free Trade!” Here he slapped one hand on to the other with a noise like that of a pistol,and added heavily,“And what's more,I can prove it.”

The first man,who was now entrenched in his position,said again,“Ho!Can you?” — and sneered.

The second man then proved it,getting more and more excited. When he had done,all the first man did was to say,“You talk foolishness.”

Then there was a long silence:very strained. At last the Free Trader Free Trader:主张自由贸易的人,自由贸易主义者。 pulled out a pipe and filled it at leisure,with a light sort of womanish tobacco,and just as he struck a match the Protectionist Protectionist:保护(贸易)主义者。自free trader与protectionist两词一出现,上文的has it中的it的意思便明白了,指的是对进口税率的保护性政策和措施(关于protective tariffs的问题)。 shouted out,“No you don't!This ain't a smoking compartment. I object!” The Free Trader said,“Oh,that's how it is,is it?” The Protectionist answered in a lower voice and surly,“Yes,that's how.”

They sat avoiding each other's eyes till we got to Grantham. I had no idea that feeling could run so high,yet neither of them had a real grip on the Theory of International Exchange.

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But by far the most extraordinary conversation,and perhaps the most illuminating I ever heard,was in a train going to the West Country and stopping first at Swindon.

It passed between two men who sat in corners facing each other.

The one was stout,tall,and dressed in a tweed suit. He had a gold watch-chain with a little ornament on it representing a pair of compasses and a square. His beard was brown and soft. His eyes were very sodden. When he got in he first wrapped a rug round and round his legs,then he took off his top-hat and put on a cloth cap,then he sat down.

The other also wore a tweed suit and was also stout,but he was not so tall. His watch-chain also was of gold (but of a different pattern,paler,and with no ornament hung on it). His eyes also were sodden. He had no rug. He also took off his hat,but put no cap upon his head. I noticed that he was rather bald,and in the middle of his baldness was a kind of little knob. For the purposes of this record,therefore,I shall give him the name “Bald”,while I shall call the other man “Cap”.

I have forgotten,by the way,to tell you that Bald had a very large nose,at the end of which a great number of little veins had congested and turned quite blue.

CAP (shuts up Levy's paper ,“The Daily Telegraph ”,and opens Harmsworth's Levy's paper ... Harmsworth's ...:这两个人名均为其后面报刊的出版人。Daily Mail ”. Shuts that up and looks fixedly at BALD):I ask your pardon ... but isn't your name Binder?

BALD (his eyes still quite sodden ):That is my name. Binder's my name. (He coughs to show breeding .)Why (his eyes getting a trifle less sodden ),if you aren't Mr. Mowle!Well,Mr. Mowle,sir,how are you?

CAP (with some dignity ):Very well,thank you,Mr. Binder. How's Mrs. Binder and the kids?All blooming all blooming:blooming,俚语,原义utter,complete,发展为very well。

BALD:Why,yes,thank you,Mr. Mowle,but Mrs. Binder still has those attacks (shaking his head ). Abdominal (continuing to shake his head ). Gastric. Something cruel.

CAP:They do suffer cruel They do suffer cruel:do,加强语气词,这里使用它纯系为了加强话语的虚伪性。紧接着的“do women”也是如此(另外还是不通的话)。其实文中的大量用语也都是如此,不暇一一加以指出。,as you say,do women,Mr. Binder (shaking his head toobut more slightly ). This indigestion — ah!

BALD (more brightly ):Not married yet,Mr. Mowle?

CAP (contentedly and rather stolidly ):No,Mr. Binder. Nor not inclined to neither Nor not inclined to neither:nor not与neither的连用不仅是十足的非正规英语,而且是完全莫名其妙的浑话一句。. (Draws a great breath .)I'm a single man,Mr. Binder,and intend so to adhere. (A pause to think .)That's what I call (a further pause to get the right phrase )“single blessedness” single blessedness:这样一个简单的cliché还得费这么大的劲才寻找出来,说话人的程度与教养也就可想而知。. Yes (another deep breath ),I find life worth living,Mr. Binder.

BALD (with great cunning ):That depends upon the liver That depends upon the liver:liver这里指person who lives in a specified way(例如clean,loose or fast liver ——洁净正派或者放纵淫荡的人)。文中Bald的意思当然只指这后者(loose,fast)。. (Roars with laughter .)

CAP (laughing a good deal too,but not so much as BALD):Ar!That was young Cobbler's joke in times gone by.

BALD (politely ):Ever see young Cobbler Cobbler:当年英国喜剧演员。 now,Mr. Mowle?

CAP (with importance ):Why,yes,Mr. Binder;I met him at the Thersites' Lodge Thersites' Lodge:伦敦剧院名。 down Brixham way — only the other day. Wonderful brilliant he was ... well,there ... (his tone changes )he was sitting next to me — (thoughtfully )— as might be here — (putting Harmsworth's paper down to represent Young Cobbler )— and here like,would be Lord Haltingtowres Lord Haltingtowres:疑为虚拟人物。.

BALD (his manner suddenly becoming very serious ):He's a fine man,he is!One of those men I respect.

CAP (with still greater seriousness ):You may say that,Mr. Binder. No respecter of persons No respecter of persons:系从成语respect of persons而来,persons这里作大人物讲,所谓respect of persons意即have partiality only for the great & c.,只对大人物尊重;眼里只有大人物、名人、权贵等(含义,势利眼)。respecter意为敬重者,尊敬者,例如,be no respecter of persons,不能只尊重有权有势的人(即不做他们的尊重者),亦即对人要一视同仁。 — talks to me or you or any of them just the same.

BALD (vaguely ):Yes,they're a fine lot. (Suddenly ):So's Charlie Beresford Charlie Beresford:虚拟人物。

CAP (with more enthusiasm than be had yet shown ):I say ditto to that,Mr. Binder!(Thinking for a few moments of the characteristics of Lord Charles Beresford .)It's pluck pluck:口语词,意为courage。 — that's what it is — regular British pluck. (Grimly ):That's the kind of man — no favouritism.

BALD:Ar!It's a case of “Well done,Condor !” Ar,It's a case of “Well done,Condor !”:Ar,即ah。“此案断得不错,法官先生!”Condor,西班牙语,为南美洲产的一种秃鹰,后常转意为法官(因法官多为秃头者)。

CAP:Ar!You're right there,Mr. Binder.

BALD (suddenly pulling a large flask out of his pocket and speaking very rapidly ):Well,here's yours,Mr. Mowle. (He drinks out of it a quantity of neat whisky,and having drunk it,rubs the top of his flask with his sleeve and hands it over politely to CAP.)

CAP (having drunk a lot of neat whisky,also rubbed his sleeve over it,screwed on the little top and giving that long gasp which the occasion demands ):Yes,you're right there — “Well done,Condor .”

At this point the train began to go slowly,and just as it stopped at the station I heard CAP begin again,asking BALD on what occasion and for what services Lord Charles Beresford had been given his title.

Full of the marvels of this conversation,I got out,went into the waiting-room and wrote it all down. I think I have it accurately word for word.

But there happened to me what always happens after all literary effort;the enthusiasm vanished,the common day was before me. I went out to do my work in the place and to meet quite ordinary people and to forget,perhaps (so strong is Time),the fantastic beings in the train. In a word,to quote Mr. Binyon's Mr. Binyon:20世纪初期英国诗人,世界一战期间所作一些讴歌英国的诗作颇有名。 admirable lines:

The world whose wrong

Mocks holy beauty and our desire returned. The world whose wrong ...:这句诗的主要结构为The world and our desire returned。

这是一篇极为成功的有趣作品,通篇的一个总的特点,在译者看来,主要是:通过对话写人的虚伪;因而文中人物所讲的话语几乎可说是无一字一词一句一段不虚假,不荒唐,不造作,不浮夸,不陈腐,不愚蠢,不是在说谎和在骗人……尤其那最后一节,更达到了荒谬绝伦的地步,而一切却又来得那么轻松自然和毫不费力,所以也就真是虚伪成性了,但又一丝也不自觉!英国幽默作家P. G. Wodehouse曾称誉此文作者Belloc为“a writer of great charm and enormous versatility”(姑勉强译作——一位风情无限、文路特广的作家)。读此文后,定会感到信然,另外此篇也是英国式的幽默的一个绝佳的范例。