- 英汉对照护理英语会话(第2版)
- 王文秀 王颖
- 840字
- 2020-08-28 10:06:30
4.How to Use Different Medicines药品服用方法
Patient: How do I take the tablets?
病人: 我怎么服用这种药片。
Nurse: Take two tablets each time,four times a day.
护士: 每次2片,每天4次。
Patient: How do I take the sucking lozenges?
病人: 我如何服用这种含片?
Nurse: Please put one under your tongue,don’t swallow it.
护士: 放在舌下一粒,别咽下去。
Patient: How do I take the liquid medicine?
病人: 我怎么服用这种液体药物呢?
Nurse: Just drink it.
护士: 吸吮就行了。
Patient: How do I take the pills?
病人: 这种药丸怎么吃?
Nurse: Please dissolve one pill in water and then drink the water.
护士: 服用前放到水中融化。
Patient: How do I take the syrup?
病人: 我怎么服用这种糖浆?
Nurse: One teaspoon each time,three times a day.
护士: 一次一勺,每天3次。
Patient: How do I take the drug?
病人: 这种药怎么服?
Nurse: Drink one line(half a line)each time,three times a day. Shake it well before taking it.
护士: 每次一格(半格),每天3次。服用前充分摇动。
Patient: How do I take these pain-killer?
病人: 这种止痛药怎么用?
Nurse: Take one tablet of this pain-killer if you are in pain,but no more than once every four hours.
护士: 感觉疼痛的时候吃一片,每4小时不能超过一次。
Patient: How do I use this suppository?
病人: 这种栓剂怎么用?
Nurse: Insert one into your anus(vagina)every night.
护士: 每晚塞入肛门(阴道)一个。
Patient: How do I use this adhesive?
病人: 这种药膏怎么用?
Nurse: This is a special adhesive for easing the pain. Apply it to the painful area and change it every two days.
护士: 这是一种缓解疼痛的药膏。将它敷在患处,每两天换一次。
Patient: How do I use this lotion?
病人: 我如何使用这种药水?
Nurse: Apply this lotion to the itching spot with this cotton swab.
护士: 用棉棍将药水涂在痒的地方。
Patient: How do I use this powder?
病人: 这种药粉如何使用?
Nurse: Please dissolve the powder in hot water. Soak your hand(foot)in it for twenty minutes twice a day.
护士: 将药粉溶解在热水中,将您的手(脚)泡在水里20分钟,每天两次。
Patient: How do I use the eye-drop and ointment?
病人: 我如何使用这种眼药水和药膏?
Nurse: Put the eye-drop into your right eye four to six times a day,one to two drops each time. Squeeze a bit of ointment on your eyelid every night.
护士: 将眼药水滴入眼中,每天4~6次,每次1~2滴。每晚在眼皮上挤一点药膏。
Patient: How do I apply the nose drop?
病人: 这种滴鼻剂怎么用?
Nurse: Bend your head as far back as possible and then drop some in the nostril.
护士: 尽可能地仰头,滴入鼻孔中少许。
Patient: How do I apply the ear drop?
病人: 我如何使用这种滴耳剂?
Nurse: Tilt your head to the side; put one to two drops into your ear. Press the tragus for a few seconds.
护士: 把头偏向一侧,向耳中滴1~2滴。按压一会儿耳屏。