- GB/T 50572-2010(英文版)核电厂工程地震调查与评价规范
- 中华人民共和国住房和城乡建设部
- 226字
- 2021-04-01 14:02:02
4.3 Seismic Investigation
4.3.1 The regional seismic investigation shall cover the following:
1 Collecting regional seismic data,and preparing catalogues of destructive earthquake(M≥4.7)and medium and small earthquakes(1.0≤M<4.7)of the region.
2 Preparing the epicenter distribution maps of destructive earthquakes(M≥4.7)and medium and small earthquakes(1.0≤M<4.7)of the region.
3 Collecting data on complete record of historical earthquakes in the region,and the monitoring capability data of seismic stations in the region in different periods,to analyze the integrity of the regional seismic data.
4 Analyzing the spatial and temporal distribution features of earthquakes in the region.
5 Collecting the focal mechanism solutions of earthquakes and composite fault plane solutions of small earthquakes within the region to analyze the modern tectonic stress field feature.
6 Collecting intensity data of destructive earthquakes with affecting intensity to site at degree V and above,preparing iso-seismic map of destructive earthquakes in the region to evaluate the effect and features of historical earthquakes on the site.
4.3.2 Seismic investigation in near region shall cover the following:
1 Collecting near region seismic data and preparing catalogues of near region earthquakes(M≥1.0)and epicenter distribution map.
2 Assessing seismic activity features.