Project tab bar

The Project tab bar is the tab menu that is located right below the main menu. An overview of running projects, vulnerability analysis, any Meterpreter/shell sessions that have been opened, phishing campaigns, web application testing, modules, credentials, reports, exports, and tasks can be managed from this tab menu:

Let's have a look at them in detail:

  • Overview: Displays high-level graphical information such as the number of hosts and services discovered and the number of sessions and credentials obtained. This will not display data until we run a scan or import hosts.
  • AnalysisThis tab allows us to classify large network/hosts into groups, which makes it easier for us to manage and exploit them.
  • Sessions: The Sessions tab shows us the active sessions on the targets we have.
  • Campaigns: This tab allows us to create, manage, and run social engineering campaigns on a group of targets, including emails, web pages, portable files, and more.
  • Web Apps: This is a Pro version feature that allows us to scan web applications and identify vulnerabilities.
  • Modules: This tab allows us to search for available modules, view their information, and execute them on a target.
  • CredentialsThis tab allows us to add/edit or delete the credentials that have been collected through exploitation.
  • Reports: This is also a Pro version feature. This tab allows us to view and create reports of our findings.
  • Exports: This tab allows us to export data such as credentials into multiple formats, such as XML and ZIP. 
  • Tasks: This tab allows us to manage the statuses of the tasks the tool is currently running.

Next, we will look at the navigational breadcumbs.