Running the example with Qt

If you wish to use Qt to run your OpenCV applications, you will need to create project files. For the example of this recipe, here is how the project file ( will look:

QT += core 
QT -= gui 
TARGET = loadDisplaySave 
CONFIG  += console 
CONFIG  -= app_bundle 
SOURCES += loadDisplaySave.cpp 
INCLUDEPATH += C:\OpenCV4.0.0\build\include 
LIBS += -LC:\OpenCV4.0.0\build\x86\MinGWqt32\lib \ 
-lopencv_core400 \ 
-lopencv_imgproc400 \ 

This file shows you where to find the include and library files. It also lists the library modules that are used by the example. Make sure to use the library binaries compatible with the compiler that Qt is using. Note that if you download the source code of the examples for this book, you will find the CMakeLists files that you can open with Qt (or CMake) in order to create the associated projects.