Time for action - creating a User Group for Customer A

Let's create a User Group for Customer A containing the same permissions as the recently created user:

  1. Go to Configuration | User Groups and you will see an empty list:
  1. Click on the Add link. You will be redirected to the User Group Management [new] screen.

Enter a Group Name and Group Description; check the Enabled box and select Restrict Access for the Tree Rights, Graph List Rights, and Graph Preview Rights; then hit the Create button:

  1. Set the Default Policy for the Graph Perms, Template Perms, Tree Perms, and Device Perms to Deny and Grant Access to the same devices and trees as you did with the previously created user.
  2. Now, click the Save button.

You just added a new group and set the group permissions to only allow members of this group to view the devices and graphs of the Customer A tree. To add a user to this group, you can either use the Members tab of the group or go to the user and add the group using the Group Membership tab there.