Preparation - creating the script

For a script/command data input method, you will need a script for gathering the required data and providing it to Cacti. Look at the file. This Perl script will collect the necessary data for you.

Differences between CentOS and other Linux versions

As you may have noticed, the book mainly focuses on the CentOS/RHEL based Linux system. Some of the settings and paths in the following scripts may not be the same on your Linux version. An example is the /var/log/secure file, which contains failed login and authentication failures in CentOS. For Debian based systems this is actually /var/log/auth.log. Please make sure to check your file paths in case you run into  any issues with the scripts.

Let's have a look at the commands used in the script. Within the first line of interest, you configure the path and filename to look for the data:

# Where do we find the secure log file ? 
# Debian/Ubuntu: /var/log/auth.log 
# CentOS/RHEL  : /var/log/secure 
my $secure_log = '/var/log/secure';