- 丝绸之路研究(第二辑)
- 中国人民大学国家发展与战略研究院 中国人民大学国学院
- 1558字
- 2025-02-15 13:13:30
Rugs with Long Hair
Duan Qing & Zheng Liang (Peking University)
Abstract: The five Carpets of Lop Museum are actually kośavas or kojavas. In the Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary, kojova is explained as “a rug or cover with long hair”. The present paper is about some new knowledge achieved through analysis based on Kharoṣṭhī documents from Niya and archaeologically unearthed pieces of carpets which show that neither patterns of design, nor material, nor purpose of usage did determine the terminology for carpets, but different technics applied in knotting have given birth to varied terms, and kośava or kojava designates one type of carpets.
According to Xuan Zang “氍毹” kośava is the most striking tradition from Khotan. The five carpets of Lop Museum are the best evidence from this tradition. As proven, all knots of these carpets are tied in U form. This makes up of one of the two conditions that make the type of carpets to be named kośava or kojava. The second one which has led to the explanation of the Pali-English Dictionary is that the carpets are with long hairs, however, it is to be noticed that they are tufted to the backside.
Searching the etymology of kośava we have come to a series of Sumerian words which show a possible etymological connection with kośava. They are kuš, kus ‘skin, animal hide, leather’, kuš-amar ‘calfskin’, kušum4, kušu ‘herd of cattle or sheep; livestock’. It seems that kośava or kojava may be a compound word of Sumerian kuś ‘animal hide’ with the foregoing word of Khotanese pe'ma- and Persian pašm, both of which mean ‘wool’. Whatever the etymology is, it is quite for certain that kośava or kojava has retained itself in modern languages, from which English word cozy and German word kuschelig are derived.
Key words: Khotan, kośava, kojava, knotting technics, Sumerian etymology
[*] 本文是国家社科基金重大项目“敦煌与于阗:佛教艺术与物质文化的交互影响”(项目编号13&ZD087)的阶段性成果之一。
[2]Heinrich Lüders, Kleine Schrieften, herausgegeben von Oskar von Hinüber, Wiesbaden: Franz Steiner Verlag GMBH, 1973, S. 5.
[3]Pelliot, Paul. Notes on Marco Polo, ouvrage posthum, publié sous les auspices de l'Académie des Inscriptions e Belles-Lettres e avec le Concours du Centre national de la Recherche scientifique, Vol. 1-3, 1959-1973. 具体见第一卷,第492页。
[4]慧琳《一切经音义》:“氍毹……《考声》云:织毛为文彩,本胡语也。此无正翻。俗曰毛锦,即文罽也。”(CBETA, T54, No. 2128, 383)
[5]例如出现在如下复合词中:kojava-kambala-paccattharaṇam,“氍毹、毛毯等铺盖”。见PTS 3, 924页。又见于Burrow T., The Language of the Kharoṣṭhi Documents from Xinjiang, Cambridge, Cambridge UP, 1937, p. 84。
[9]Helen Wang, Money on the Silk Road, the Evidence from Eastern Central Asia to c. AD 800, London: the British Museum Press, 2004(以下简称Wang 2004),p. 68.
[10]KI = A. M. Boyer, E. J. Rapson, E. Senart & P. S. Noble, Kharoṣṭhī Inscriptions, Discovered by Sir Aurel Stein in Xinjiang, Oxford: Clarendon Press, reprinted in 1997.
[12]汪海岚认为,佉卢文的muli可能指一枚铜钱。详见Wang 2004, 68。
[14]需要说明的是,KI 327只提到某王治下第23年,该出现王名的地方破损。但是,该木牍提到一名证人,名曰Karaṃtsa,即“伽罗泽”。此人当生活在安归伽时代。可参阅《氍毹》,第31页。
[17]这样推断,一方面因为,属于罗格落伽王的佉卢文文书数量有限。另一方面,在KI 549上有Karaṃtsa“伽罗泽”的名字,而此人活跃在安归伽王的年代。
[24]斯文·赫定的于阗语文书主要收入于H. W. Bailey, Khotanese Texts 4, Cambridge University Press, 1961。
[26]Duan Qing, “Greek Gods and Traces of the Sumerian Mythology in Carpets from the 6th Century”, 《丝绸之路研究》第1辑,北京:生活·读书·新知三联书店,2017年,第1—17页。具体见第13页。
[27]这些词及其释义引自Sumerian Lexicon, edited, compiled and arranged by John Alan Halloran, Los Angeles, 2006。分别见153a,以及154a。