2 Terms and Symbols

2.1 Terms

2.1.1 Reinforced concrete pole

Reinforced concrete pole is a kind of pole that uses ordinary steel bar as its longitudinal reinforcement.

2.1.2 Prestressed concrete pole

Prestressed concrete pole is a kind of pole that uses prestressed steel bar as its longitudinal reinforcement and whose allowable value of anti-crack test coefficient is equal to 1.0.

2.1.3 Partially prestressed concrete pole

Partially prestressed concrete pole refers to a kind of pole whose longitudinal reinforcement is the combination of prestressed steel bar and ordinary steel bar or is entirely composed of prestressed steel bar,and its allowable value of anti-crack test coefficient is equal to 0.8.

2.1.4 Log for direct use-wire pole

Wood pole without preservative-treated process and directly used for aerial line.

2.1.5 Preservative-treated wood pole

Modified wood pole with Anti-corrosion performance via preservative-treated process.

2.1.6 Pole span distance

Span distance between two adjacent poles in aerial line.

2.1.7 Height of pole

Height of pole in aerial line.

2.1.8 Terminal pole

Terminal pole is an upholder for bearing unilateral tension,used for supporting the aerial line terminating tension.

2.1.9 Angle pole

Angle pole is a kind of pole erected at the turning point of aerial line.

2.1.10 Branch pole

On the same line,there have several optical(copper)cables which will lead to different places,some of them will branch out in a certain place of along the line and put up to another direction line;or two lines in a given place merged into one pole line.This erected pole in braching point or juncture point is called branch pole.

2.1.11 Middle pole

Poles deployed on the straight line of the aerial line are called middle poles.

2.1.12 Across pole of flying line

Poles supporting aerial lines to cross rivers,valleys or other special places with long pole span distances and raising them up to the required height are called across poles of flying line.