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Chapter 1. Introduction to Unreal Engine 4
Navigating this book
Installing Unreal Engine 4
Creating your first project!
Navigating the Unreal Engine UI
Creating a basic actor
Pre-Built projects as a learning resource
Chapter 2. Blueprints and Barrels – Your First Game
Creating your first Blueprint
Modifying the Hello Sphere Blueprint
Creating the Barrel Hopper project!
Creating our Character
Game modes and how to make them
Creating and receiving input events
Building the level!
Getting our barrels rolling
Debugging our Blueprints
Masking our destruction with particles
Respawning the player
Chapter 3. Advanced Blueprint Animation and Sound
Cleaning up shop
Animation with UE4
Creating your first sound scape
Adding the finishing touches to Barrel Hopper
Chapter 4. Unreal Engine C++ and You
UE and C++
Hello World for C++
Extending C++ into Blueprint
Blueprint native events and you!
Chapter 5. Upgrade Activated – Making Bounty Dash with C++
Creating a C++ character
Creating the Character
Creating the C++ world objects
Creating the interactions between the world objects
Chapter 6. Power Ups for Your Character Power Ups for the User
Cleaning up shop and object hierarchies
Creating a Plug-in with C++
Working with our first plugin module
Incorporating power-ups into Bounty Dash
Creating HUDs using C++
Completing the Bounty Dash game loop!
Finishing the wall of death and polishing the project
Chapter 7. Boss Mode Activated – Unreal Robots
Setting up the project
The first-person character
Adding a custom HUD and drawing a cross hair
Creating the projectile
Unreal Robots
Creating a basic behavior tree and black-board!
Creating a custom task via blueprint
Creating a custom decorator using blueprint
Creating a custom service using C++
Advanced collision in UE4
Integrating the AI Character
Creating a custom object collision channel
Modifying the level to support AI
Placing the AI in the level and testing
Chapter 8. Advanced AI and Unreal Rendering
Expanded AI and tracking projectiles
Tracking projectiles and you
Expanded AI
Rendering in UE4
UE4 Materials
Chapter 9. Creating a Networked Shooter
Creating the project
Network multiplayer theory
UE4 Networking
Starting the networked First Person Shooter
Preparing the ANSCharacter blueprint
Spawn points and spawning the players
Game modes and servers
Preparing our game map
Drawing the HUD and preparing the lobby
Testing our Game
Chapter 10. Goodbyes and Thank yous
Packaging a project
Testing the NS package
Console commands
What we have learned so far
更新时间:2021-07-14 10:38:39